Movies, Move ease

Abhishek Pitale
4 min readJan 28, 2022


“Moving images that tell a story and that people watch

is the Miriam Webster definition of a Movie.
This one seems really intuitive too doesn’t it.Given that most of us are able to appreciate, at the rudimentary level at least, how, ‘the picture’ became ‘the film’.
And yes, the answer is — by ‘moving’.

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

One can conclude then that this definition suffices the purpose of understanding the phenomenon, but movies today aren’t just about the pictorial representation, as they were at the time of their inception.
A defining sound score, in-depth videography, accuracy and technique of theatrics involved, are all independent forms of art if not sciences in themselves, and the most captivating and memorable experiences are always an intricate blend of the same.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

This further evolves the definition of movie to an ‘art’ of expression or a ‘platform’ to present ideas and while it is entertainment to some it is the entirety of someone else’s life and work.

The provocation of thought and emotion is the defining of a film in actuality, an art form of opinion and presentation which “Moves You” more than the pictures do themselves!

What is a good movie if not the one which leaves us questioning where we are in the real life at end of it.
An immense power of persuasion and influence is housed in movies, very similar to that of books too, other than for those still view them as purely entertainment.
The point being, just like a book, there isn’t a good movie or a bad movie
it’s just a movie that you might enjoy now or maybe sometime later.

Why should we bother with such introspection in the first place, is a good question too.
With a large amount of downtime in isolation, thanks to the pandemic, movies have been a good getaway and the recent abundance and ease of availability really is fascinating and not just convenient.

The influence of movies, or a series; I take the liberty of drawing equivalence of a very long movie to a series; for that matter, is well established I feel,
Classic example :How many of us would be guilty of lying if we didn’t confess to aspiring of being a pilot after watching Top Gun,

Photo by Peter Pryharski on Unsplash

and as uncle Ben said and I quote “with great power comes great responsibility” ; this line could not have been more apt, both in terms of the suitable origins and its relevance in the context.

It is unquestionable that it takes intelligence to appreciate the depth of characters such as the Joker, but it takes wisdom to not idealize him and attempt, let alone turn, into a psychopath.

Although movies and series are traditionally judged on grounds of the acting, direction, performance etc and are critically acclaimed accordingly.However, what the creators, and more so the viewers too, should simultaneously explore are the naive and unaware minds that are indirectly being touched, who might not be able to differentiate where

‘a role ends and a role model begins.’

Photo by Ryan Moulton on Unsplash

A good series with an afterthought meant only to bring out the difficult aspect of understanding themes such as crime could really captivate a fresh mind into leaving the finer pursuits of life for the on-screen glorified and cult followed life of, let’s say, the underworld.

The line of dedication of this fanfare is really fine; as it boils down to choices and the ability to make the right ones, being mentored by the right people and finally knowing that to idealize the intellect of a robbery of a National Mint is commendable and actually going down that path is criminal.
It is most definitely doesn’t have to be just a negative influence either as seen by the US Navy,who wouldn’t have found thousands of excellent men who happened to be Tom Cruise fans !

So lets make the most of this rising form of art, literature, science, or whatever we choose to call it by being more educated in our approach to not only our choices, but also in the choices that we share as a community;the choice of using our freedom; of voicing opinions and giving life to thoughts, because a double-edged sword can work wonders while still holding potential to cause blunders.

The plethora of complex mixture of thoughts and emotions can and will continue to bring out more TOP GUNS and the exploration of human psychology and limits of intelligence shall continue to be tried, tested and discovered for the greater good through a lighter mood !

All to keep our headspace MOVING.

Photo by Marius GIRE on Unsplash

